Architecture Today

Architecture Today

Architecture Today featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Haj House Complex

Light, shadows, shelter, pilgrims, garden, paradise… the concept of the Haj House Complex in Lucknow is hereby, through this proposal, addressed as a cord connectively fastening the stems of some of the main features in Islamic traditional architecture; by trying to be much more than just the sum of different functional requirements housed within “rational” buildings, we wanted to push stronger and farther, in order for those concepts to be tangible in the final scenario.

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Kyoto Silk

This project was to convert "Machiya", a Japanese traditional wooden townhouse, in the centre of Kyoto, into a small shop. The original wooden frames were reinforced with steel frames because the original building was dilapidated. I focused on the way accommodating necessary functions of a beauty cosmetic shop within the space limitations of the original "Machiya".

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Muji Eco-pavilion in Emptiness

In 2023, during the China International Import Expo, Atelier Forth Force specially designed a pavilion consisting of 7,524 interlocking wooden components. That was the exclusive pavilion for Muji, dedicated to the brand spirit: Nature, Naturally and Muji. Throughout the 6 day exhibition, as the pavilion wall transitioned from existence to non existence, 1,254 visitors to the Muji pavilion took away the screen system. Following the dismantling of the wall, the wooden components would be reassembled into a set of storage systems suitable for home use.

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Sheerin Pavilion

The Sheerin Pavilion for 2023 Guangzhou Design Week provides an exhibition space for sintered stones. Artificial stones are employed to simulate the natural ones, aiming to present a spatial ambiance of a mined artificial stone canyon. This simulation and representation create a captivating juxtaposition. The systematic design of space, scene, and structure not only presents the unity of form and force, and the connection between behavior and space, but also provides the possibility of recyclability of the exhibition venue. It is a exploration of sustainable exhibition construction.

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Royal One

This private club is crafted for wine enthusiasts and hosts of social gatherings, aiming to balance personal indulgence with social interaction. Circular design elements symbolize harmony, embodying the Unity of Heaven and Human principle and connecting design with emotions. A water droplet art piece adds an artistic touch, symbolizing life's vitality and merging natural elements with modern design. This initiative redefines the role of private clubs and explores spatial aesthetics and humanistic philosophy.

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Shenzhen Art Museum

The project site is located in the low-density business district of Shenzhen North Railway Station in Longhua New District, close to the Hongshan Metro Station in Longhua District, the architectural form is like a hand merging up and down, creating different levels of public platforms in the middle of the two buildings, the platform expands the function of the building, the elevated space makes it away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and the roof on the top provides shelter for it, creating a comfortable atmosphere, providing public space while also undertaking the axis of the city.

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